Photo – I AM WATER Foundation @iamwater_foundation 


Giving back to the next generation and the planet

The Future is Now!

Unlocking opportunities for children in helping them build skills to uplift and empower them to grow and thrive in order for them to take control of their own future and actively shape it is the best we can do for them. Using sports as a means is very close to my heart. Because children who practice sports and build physical and mental strength skills are more likely to be focused on education and succeed in life. Education is the prerequisite for reducing poverty, improving health, protecting the environment and creating a strong civil society.

I support projects focusing on

  • Educating, inspiring, uplifting and empowering children
  • Building life skills, physical and mental strength and resilience through sports
  • Educating children about environmental stewardship through physical exercise in nature
  • Helping children to be anchored in life and educating children on health
  • Helping children develop their authentic strengths
  • Supporting the school education of children

“ Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to unite in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. ”

Nelson Mandela

Projects I support


I AM WATER Foundation

Supporting children’s education about the protection of the oceans through swimming and diving. South African and 501(c)(3) IRC Charity


Nepal Kinderhilfe e.V.

Supporting young girls’ school education in Nepal. German Charity


Surfers Not Street Children

Giving street children a new identity through the means of surfing in order to build a future. South African, 501(c)(3) IRC and UK Charity


International Rescue Committee

Supporting refugees and their integration through education and caring for women and young girls. German, 501(c)(3) IRC and UK Charity


High Impact Athletes Charities

I am supporting selecsted charities through High Impact Athletes.


Sea Legacy

Ocean conservation organisation. 501(c)(3) IRC Charity


How can you contribute?

Work with me and I will donate funds received outside to these projects or click on the projects and donate directly! Every contribution counts.

I hereby clarify, that I do not offer advice on charitable giving and do not act as a conduit for donations by others.

+49 (0) 162 2430063

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