WINNING INSIDE shows us how to win our own inner mental game and how that will become the way to stay healthy, balanced and successful in the digitalized business world. The book is about what I have learned and practiced throughout my life as an athlete and as a lawyer.
Success in the digitalized business world will depend on carefully managing our physical and mental resources and mindfully leading ourselves. We need to rethink the way we work and build our mental strength, as this will become the number one success factor in business.
The mental and strategic training methods used by performance athletes like Federer, Djokovic, Ronaldo, Graf or Frodeno in achieving long-term top results are debunked in this book in a fascinating way and combined with case studies and stories. These methods are then skillfully transferred into the business world to show how mindful conscious working does positively influence our productivity, energy and overall wellbeing.
in German, 16,99 (softcover and kindle version out now): online access
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